


The following are links, broken down by link category, to documents, websites and other sources of knowledge and materials that we believe may be of general interest or benefit to visitors to our website.

Book Recommendations

Business Transformation & Change

  • Biz4ge – Website dedicated to Business Transformation and Business Architecture.

General Reference

  • KzA – Helping clients align business performance with market expectations!
  • Seath Solutions – OpenERP related consultancy and services.

Open Source Software

  • OpenERP – Leading open source ERP application.
  • WordPress – Leading open source website development and CMS application.

Methods, Tools & Standards

  • BPMN – (Business Process Modelling Notation) Leading standard for mapping business processes and workflows.


  • Coming soon!

Useful Downloads

  • Coming soon!

Contact Us” if you have any questions about our Resources or would like a free, confidential, no-obligation discussion with one of our team.


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